Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Interesting Facts about World Leaders


  • President Enrique Pena Neito
    • promised to open Pemex (Mexico's state owned oil company) to a private sector
    • believes that Mexico needs to expand its economy to in order to create new jobs


  • President HU Jintao
    • he refuses to pressure trading partners
    • because of Hu, China expanded its influences overseas in resource-rich developing nations
    • most powerful economy in the world because of him
    • active in politics since a young age
    • head of the communist party in China


  • President Pranab MUKHERJEE
    • promises to protect and defend the Indian constitution
    • only finance minister to have presented budgets in the pre and post liberalization time periods
    • 2010 best finance manger in Asia


  • President Hamid KARZAI
    • Origionally a supporter of the Taliban before the death of his father, after the death he  campaigned for an anti-Taliban movement
    • fluent in English- can effectively communicate with foreign nations 
    • the Taliban was in charge before President Karzai came into office


  • President Mahmud AHMADI-NEJAD
    • not an activist for women rights
    • very conservative
    • doesn't spend enough time dealing with the economy- unpopular with the people


  • Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu
    • entered politics after his brother was killed when leading the 1976 mission to rescue of hijacked Israeli hostages from Uganda
    • motivated to get into office

Angela Merkel
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel
    • first women to become Chancellor of Germany
    • one of her priorities was to strength economic relations by meeting with Obama in 2007

United Kingdom
David Cameron
  • Prime Minister David CAMERON
    • urged politicians to focus on improving people's happiness and general well-being instead of finical wealth
    • wants to improving teaching
    • deals with more of the issues, Queen is a figure leader
    • received a good education- did very well in school- smart person
    • Graduated from Oxford (one of the best schools) with a degree in philosophypolitics, and economics


  • President Francois HOLLANDE
    • he worked hard to change his boring image during election
    • pledged to get the soldiers home by 2014 
    • agnostic


  • President Dilma ROUSSEFF
    • first women economist to be elected president in Brazil
    • wants a mix of market-friendly policies with a strong role for the state in economic development
    • supports abortion but only when the mother is in danger or was raped
    • went to jail and was tortured because she tried to overthrow the government at age 22

  • President Hugo CHAVEZ
    • used massive social spending to expand health and education programs to win votes
    • poor from a poor family
    • has cancer
    • tried to overthrow the government- spent two years in prison
    • hates America

Saudi Arabia

  • King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
    • created a regulatory body for capital markets
    • encourages the development of non-hydrocarbon sectors
    • 14 wives- lots of children
United States
  • President Barack Obama
    • When he was younger he experimented with drugs- marijuana and cocaine
    • First black president of the USA

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