Monday, November 12, 2012


Today in class we went over the quiz we took on Friday about the different political leaders around the world and facts about them. The test was matching so for most of the questions, I was able to do process of elimination. By doing this process, I was able to get only two wrong, receiving a 92%. It was also veterans day so we got a little off topic and talked about Aberdeen and the testing of bombs that occurs there. We also talked about the different world wars in the past. We spent the majority of our off topic time discussing neculear bombs and different neuclear treats. I learned that when the USA bombed Japan, it was the first and last time anyone has ever neuclear bombed people. There are testings that occur in Nevada and other deserts, but no other people neuclear bombed other people because of the mass destruction that occurred. We also talked about how Cuba once had weapons and the war in Mexico.

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