Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sixth Day

Today in class we learned how to know whether or not websites are good. Some of the ways we learned to tell if a website is good or not is, the ending in the url. If the website ends in .gov it’s a good and reliable website but not all .com websites are reliable. Anyone can make a website with .com as the ending so the information may not always be accurate and could be written by anyone. We also learned that Wikipedia is a reliable website to use but not as a primary source. With Wikipedia, there are people whose job is to review the entries and make sure they’re accurate. Also, on Wikipedia, the entries have to source on where they got their information, which you can use as a primary source. Some of the credible websites that we viewed in class was the CIA Factbook, NASA for kids, Wikipedia, and PBS. If a website says “opinion,” it is not a reliable source unless you are doing a persuasive essay. Sixth day of Human Geography is complete.

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