Friday, September 21, 2012


Today in class, we took a ton of notes off of a powerpoint that Mr. Shick said that he spent all night working very hard to make it boring and full of facts and statistics, he succeeded in doing so. Some of the notes had important vocab words and information that we need to know for a test that is coming up soon. Some of the vocab words included, life expectancy, crude birth rate (CBR), crude death rate (CDR), developing nations, developed nations, rate of natural increase (RNI), net migration rate (NMR), immigration, emigration, push forces, pull forces, and total fertility rate (TFR). At the end of class, we watched a music video from this really weird foreign language song that’s currently #1 of Itunes. The music video was really weird, like one of the weirdest videos I’ve ever seen. It was even weirder because it was in a foreign language so you had no idea what they were saying. The class today was really fun yet strange. 

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