Saturday, September 1, 2012

Essay #1

Arête: a type of excellence; hero. Socrates was excellent and a hero to ancient Greece. He extended the border of what people were allowed to think. Before Socrates got people to question things, people only thought what others told them to and did not question it. He caused people to question why you believe in certain things. He taught a new way of learning/thinking that affected generations. Socrates is even more excellent because he did not become famous for changing what people think until after his death. The students Socrates taught caused him to become famous. People, including his students, thought very highly of him and recognized what he did after his death. Socrates caused the way of thinking to change forever. The ancient Greeks were excellent and heroic. Ancient Greeks were the first people to use the democracy for government. They realized that the ordinary people of ancient Greece had the power, not the government, or a person of higher power. If ancient Greece did not use democracy, then there would be a lot of other places, such as the U.S.A, that most likely would not have the government they do today. Most importantly, Socrates and ancient Greeks are arête because they changed the way people live theirs live today.  

1 comment:

  1. What a well thought out essay! I am looking forward to reading more of your writing this year! 25/25.
