Monday, December 10, 2012


Today in class we worked on our project. My group is Doori, Maria, Kristen, Holly, and me. We are supposed to convince people to buy American-made goods over Chinese-made goods. We are telling people why they should buy shoes that are made in America instead of buying shoes made from China. We didn’t start the project at all over the weekend, but we were very productive in class today. We finished the entire project today in class. Tomorrow we are going to make our poster to advertise the American-made goods. I research one of the two American shoe products and wrote about it in the slide. I also helped come up with ideas on why American companies are better than Chinese companies. Some of the reasons are that the American companies don’t produce as much pollution. Also, American companies have higher safety standards. For tomorrows class I’m supposed to bring in the paper for our advertisement. 

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