Monday, October 8, 2012


Today in class we went over the tests that we took on friday. I wasn't expecting the bell to ring for me, so when it did ring I was excited. I didn't get any questions wrong, I just misspelled four words. PantHer, Eithiopia, PittsburgH, and SYracuse are the four words that I spelled wrong. After we went over the tests and got them back, we talked a little about Christopher Columbus, since it is Columbus day. Then we split into three groups: vikings, Native Americans, and I think Europeans. We had to answer 7 questions in a powerpoint which I believe we will be presenting soon. My group included, Doori, Maria, Kristen, Nadia, Holly, and myself. My group chose the vikings. I helped Doori set up the presentation on google docs so that everyone could edit the slide show. I had the question, "Were there other cultures of people present in the Americas when they arrived?"
I said that there were other cultures of people present because there were Native Americans there.

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