Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in class we discussed a lot about the different foundations and what one we should chose to participate with. We never came to a final result but we went through about 10 different foundations and why they are good, why there are bad, whether or not we should use them, and what good do they use to Sudan. We wanted to try and get Paul Bol Dau to come to school and talk to us, but it costs six thousand dollars. That is a lot for 60 kids to raise. Someone had the idea of walking to wawa to raise awareness about what is happening in Sudan, like they did in "God Grew Tired of Us." Personally, I like the idea of walking to wawa because it can help Sudan and we are recreating something that happened in the documentary so we know it will be useful. Doori had the idea to go to different schools and talk about the movie to the different students. I like this idea too but I like the wawa/walking idea better but I still think Dooris' idea was good.

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