Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today in class we talked about some of the foundations that help Sudan. We made groups and researched other foundations that help Sudan. Then Mr. Schick had us write what the foundations did and some of its purpose on a document that everyone could edit at the same time. This did not go over to well, a lot of people kept adding in random stuff, putting there name on other peoples work, and at one point all of the information got deleted. But in the long run, we finished and everyone got their posts up on the document. I posted about the Sudan Foundation. The Sudan Foundation helps by bringing European resources and business/non business leaders together to rebuild the economy in Sudan. The economy will be based on open involvement with organizations and business associates scattered across the globe.  The chairman of the foundation is D.H.C Brouwer. Mr. Schick also showed us an email from John Dau about him coming to school, I thought his grammar mistakes were funny.

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