Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Even More Movie Watching

Today, as well the previous days, we have watched  Guns, Germs, and Steel. Mr. Schick kept getting mad though because people were talking a lot in class. The section of the movie talked a lot about the fertile crescent and how the latitude around the globe is pretty much the same climate, time, and fertile land. Americans consume about 20 million tons of wheat per year. Over 100 million cattle are present in America. New Guinea does not have a lot of animals or crops. Part of this is due to the hilly and rain forest landscape. In order for animals/crops to be grown, there needs to be a large space or animals to graze and crops to grow. Because of the inability to grow/raise crops/animals, it has been harder for New Guinea to prosper as much as societies that existed in the fertile crescent.

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