Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day

My first day at John Carroll was good. I enjoyed it very much. The day started out with breakfast. After breakfast, everyone went to the Auditorium for a meeting. Next, all of the students left the Auditorium to go to their advisory. During advisory, we got our lockers and there was a fire drill. After getting our lockers and other stuff during advisory, everyone went back to the Cafeteria for a snack. After snack, everyone was divided into four groups, based on the number on their folder. The stations included yearbook pictures, going to the library, and other things. Next came lunch. Then the class began; first I went to Biology. Then, I went to French 2. After French, I went to English class. After English class came Human Geography. Introduction to Bible was the next class. After that class, I went to Health and Wellness. The classes ended when I went to Algebra. The day ended with a closing meeting in the Auditorium. We took a class picture and then everyone left. Overall, I think the day was a success.

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