Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fourth Day

Today in class, there were new students who got switched from another class. The students didn't have blogs, but the rest of us, so almost the whole class was spend getting the new students gmails and blogs so they could be caught up. I helped Doori with making her gmail and helped her created her blog. It took Doori a while so make a blog because everytime she would try, the website would say that the page isn't valid. After a few times of trying, we had the idea of creating a new gmail. The idea worked so Doori was able to create her blog. We also got donuts in class so everyone was excited about that. Who doesn't love donuts? We had a choice between two donuts, chocolate and powdered, but I chose a chocolate donut. We didn't really get that much done in class, but that's okay. The fourth class of Human Geography is complete.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Third Day

Today we listed to and took notes about an essay. The essay was about a person named Garcia. Garcia was hidden in the forests on the island of Cuba during the American-Spanish War. The President needed someone to find Garcia (I don't remember the name of the person, so I'm going to call the person "the guy") and the guy offered to do it. When he accepted his job, he didn't ask any questions. The rest of the essay explained how humans are only doing the minimal amount possible, being lazy, finding loop holes, complaining, or putting things off. The guy was the perfect example because he didn't complain and just did exactly what he was told to do even though no one knew where Garcia was hiding. We were talking someone "getting the boot" when the stool got kicked in the classroom. We had a class discussion about how the story is relevant to us starting high school, going to college, and beyond. Day three of Human Geography is complete.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Second Day

Today in Human Geography we went over the class Syllabus. People also asked a lot of questions about their blog and how to set it up. Since I already had my blog set up, I played free rice, which I have never played before, and I gave people who are not as fortunate as others, 400 pieces of rice.
While going over the Syllabus, we heard a story about a girl that was going on a Cruise during final exams. We also were told that we need to have an open mind while learning. We were also told that no extra credit will be given in the course, since it's just adding more work for someone who is already behind. Participation counts as part of the grade as well. But when I first got into class, there were scones sitting right next to me, before we got assigned seats, that made me hungry. The class period today was over an hour long, but it went by quickly. The second day of Human Geography class went well.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day

My first day at John Carroll was good. I enjoyed it very much. The day started out with breakfast. After breakfast, everyone went to the Auditorium for a meeting. Next, all of the students left the Auditorium to go to their advisory. During advisory, we got our lockers and there was a fire drill. After getting our lockers and other stuff during advisory, everyone went back to the Cafeteria for a snack. After snack, everyone was divided into four groups, based on the number on their folder. The stations included yearbook pictures, going to the library, and other things. Next came lunch. Then the class began; first I went to Biology. Then, I went to French 2. After French, I went to English class. After English class came Human Geography. Introduction to Bible was the next class. After that class, I went to Health and Wellness. The classes ended when I went to Algebra. The day ended with a closing meeting in the Auditorium. We took a class picture and then everyone left. Overall, I think the day was a success.